Valentine’s heart piñata gift box
My husband was working at sea in Africa for two and a half months, so I was home alone all that time. Not only did I miss him terribly but I also noticed my home life became a little hectic, especially in regards to my sleep and diet. This is how I realised, after all these years, that he really does complete me…and helps me to be a functioning adult.
We settle to sleep together, he makes me check my bank balance every week and the dinners I cook when I get back from work are really for him. I had no want to cook for myself when I was on my own and gave into a routine of eating breakfast for dinner and watching 30 Rock until 2am on a school night.
He’s back now, which means I am eating more vegetables and getting a solid 8 hours sleep.
And after he brought me back a Chanel perfume from duty free, I felt that he needed an extra special gift box. And I think I’m more excited to see his face when he sees the piñata rather than the actual gift!

Thin cardboard – I used biscuit boxes 
Masking tape
PVA glue
Small brush
Crepe paper
1. Measure your gift and draw a heart around it on a piece of cardboard. Cut out the shape.
2. Use first shape to draw a second heart and cut out the shapes. Using your gift as reference for width cut strips of cardboard to make the sides of the heart
3. Fold the cardboard to allow it to bend along the curves of the heart. Tape the folded strips of cardboard to one of the hearts to create the walls. 
4. Make sure you leave a gap on the wall to put your gift in. Tape the second heart shape to the top of the walls. Insert your gift in the gap. I also added some confetti! To cover the top gap I cut a smaller strip of cardboard and made a whole in it to add a handle made of ribbon. Feed the ribbon through the hole and secure it with a knot
5. Cut strips of crepe paper around 2cm thick. Fold it in half and cut fringes. Glue the fringe to the heart. Start at the bottom and work upwards. 
6. Once you are finished with the faces of the heart, cut excess  paper that sticks out around the borders.
7. Repeat step 5 and glue fringes onto the walls of heart, trimming excess off the sides.